WAI offers best practice advice on wiper motor failures

WAI Europe is highlighting the importance of using high quality parts such as its advanced range of wiper motors, engineered to ensure safety and visibility in all weather conditions. (more…)
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One million UK drivers skipped their last car service

It never ceases to amaze me the number of surveys from the UK in particular, that drop into my inbox every week. You have to be very discerning when looking at them and the detail there in. If the subject might be of interest to our readers is the first decision. Then see who has commissioned the research and their credibility, plus the reputation of the research and PR companies involved. Then, we try to make sure that while credit should be given, it is important to make sure the content is not about raw marketing or self-promotion of their...
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Textar launching automotive e-learning platform

Brake brand Textar is launching a new e-learning platform for automotive professionals. The Textar Virtual Academy is an online platform dedicated to providing the most comprehensive brake training resources and industry updates for automotive professionals. Bringing manufacturer expertise to the aftermarket, the e-learning platform ensures users stay current with the latest advancements in braking technology. (more…)
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Easy to service fuel filter

Superfine nozzles, high pressures, and cycle times in the millisecond range – modern engine injections are delicate systems that require extra clean fuel. For these increasingly sensitive diesel injection systems, global filtration expert Mann+Hummel is developing ever finer fuel filters, which are available as Mann-Filter products on the independent aftermarket. (more…)
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Watch: How to safely replace faulty EV battery components

TV mechanic Edd China returns with another video alongside Bosch Aftermarket, this time deep-diving into the truth about electric vehicle battery repairs. (more…)
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From Author Subject Date Download

Running Clearance in detail

Achieving the optimum running clearance between the brake pad and disc will help avoid overheating. Brakes can overheat for a number of reasons. One of the most common, and most easily solved, is the incorrect setting of the running clearance between the brake pad and disc. This can lead to the following problems: When clearance is …


Fluid Contamination from Hose Degradation explained by Continental

When an oil or transmission cooler fails, the fluids can make their way into the cooling system which can result in hose degradation from the inside out causing premature failure. If this occurs, it is critical to flush the entire system to remove the fluids and prevent damage.


ABS Sensor Damage

Damage to disc with ABS sensor


Preventing Premature Cooling System Water Pump Failure

Keep the cooling system free of debris and corrosion to prevent premature water pump failure


Why headlights can become suddenly misaligned

Headlights becoming misaligned all by themselves shouldn’t really happen. Once they’ve been aligned, they should stay that way until the owner or repair shop decides to intervene. But, like many other things that “shouldn’t really” happen, it does occur from time to time. The most important causes are as follows: Something has broken. The internal …


Battery Health & Safety Guide

The handling and proper use of lead-acid batteries is not hazardous provided appropriate facilities are available and reasonable care is taken. Below we have listed potential hazards that may arise, the precautions to taken to minimise such hazards and the action to be taken in the event of an accident or emergency situation. Sulphuric Acid …


Chain wear and stretch

Chain wear and stretch caused bottles to fall to the floor, resulting in significant production loss. Chain vibration caused stress and eventual failure of bearings, and they had to be replaced too often. The plant was also having issues with grease and rust accumulating on the chain.


Brake Pads Trouble Tracers

Brake Pads Trouble Tracers


How to Use the Continental Krikit Gauge

Proper belt tension is essential for the life of a serpentine belt, pulleys, and components on the drive belt system. Continental’s Krikit gauge can help you achieve correct tension to avoid belt slippage, belt wear and damage to the belt drive components.


Air Springs Guide

This Information is designed to help when servicing Air springs
