Contitech offers advice on changing timing belts
Significant errors are frequently committed when changing the timing belt. To ensure that the belt change operation goes smoothly, the ContiTech Power Transmission Group provides fitters with a detailed installation guide.
In this, ContiTech experts provide a step-by-step explanation of how to change the belt correctly in a Ford Focus 2.0-liter 16 V with engine code EDDB, EDDC, EDDD.
The manufacturer recommends inspecting and, if necessary, changing the timing belt and tensioning pulley at 160,000 km or after 10 years.
Tip: Replace the tensioning pulley, idlers and water pump at the same time as changing the timing belt. Although the water pump is driven by the multi V-belt rather than the timing belt, in this engine the pump is mounted behind the timing belt drive, and the timing belt idler is attached to the water pump.
Should the water pump fail later, the entire process has to be repeated using new parts since Ford has forbidden the continued use of used timing belts in this case. It is essential, therefore to change the water pump as part of the package in order to avoid later failures with unnecessary costs.
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