Having problems with your diesel system?

Diesel (EN590) looks the same and smells the same as it always has but it is the unseen changes that leave fuel storage, pumps, injection systems and filters vulnerable to severe and costly problems.

The first change has been the dramatic reduction in sulphur levels from a high of 2000 ppm (parts per million) in the mid 1990s to the new low of 10 ppm. Sulphur, whilst causing environmental damage, acted as a lubricant to ensure the efficient operation of pumps and valves and also as an agent to limit bacterial and fungal contamination.

The second change has been the introduction of biofuel, also known as FAME. This addition started in 2005 at the low rate of 1% but has now increased to a significant 7%. This is a necessary development in environmental terms, on a global scale, but adds to our woes on a local level by providing food for the bacteria.

Bacteria, fungus and yeasts also need water to thrive and grow and there are two different mechanisms, both unavoidable, which allow the water to be present.

Firstly, every storage tank whether overground or on a machine experiences the change in temperature from day to night and back again. This change generates condensation which gathers at the bottom of the tank and allows bacteria to develop.

Secondly, the fuel systems of modern common rail diesel engines run at very high pressures and return unused fuel to the tank on a constant basis. This fuel returns at a much higher temperature than the fuel in the tank causing thermal shock allowing further condensation to form.

In short we have created conditions where ever present bacteria have a food supply, a water supply and heat – all free.

Unsurprisingly this has lead to serious problems being experienced by all diesel fuel users. The problems go beyond the bacterial and fungal attacks described above. Fuel now has a shelf life and when exceeded, oxidation products form, these deposit themselves on critical components in the fuel delivery system, which have been manufactured to the tightest of engineering tolerances, reduce the operational efficiency and in extreme cases prevent engines starting. Corrosion of tanks is another consequence and finally it is possible for the biofuel component to drop out of the mix and form oily sludges.

All these problems develop unseen until a malfunction or breakdown occurs leaving many with costly repairs, replacing filters, fuel pumps and injectors and cleaning or even replacing fuel tanks.

It is not possible to eliminate the root causes of these problems because we need to operate with modern engine designs and fuel constituents for environmental and efficiency reasons. However, it is possible though to eliminate existing problems and avoid these very costly solutions by the use of Actioil, a fuel treatment.

Using Actioil you can kill and eliminate troublesome bacteria and fungal infections, eliminate water, prevent clogging from biofuel, stop oxidation, prevent tank corrosion and lubricate your fuel distribution system.

After treatment your vehicle will be protected for the full service interval and your storage tanks for three years. The fuel delivery system will be cleaned and restored to its original efficiency.

This is all done by treating your tanks in situ by adding Actioil and then running the engine for a short period. The only part used will be new fuel filters, the only labour involved is pouring a few litres of Actioil into your tank. The system does the rest for you.

For further information please contact the author Aidan Daly on 086 2586672, Finol Oils Limited on 01 4555484 or go to


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Published on: April 4, 2012

Filled Under: News

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